April 2018 Monthly Luncheon Event
April 11, 2018
Bank of America
1800 K Street NW, 6th Floor
Washington, DC 20006
Bank of America
12:30 – 1:00 p.m.
Buffet Lunch, Welcome and Introductory Remarks
1:00 - 1:50 p.m.
" Cyber Security, New Threats, Financial Risks and What You Can Do To Minimize Exposure”, James P. Scopis – CISSP, SVP - Global Information Security (GIS) - Executive
2:00 - 2:50 p.m.
"Washington Area Economy: Performance and Outlook", Dr. Mark C. White, Deputy Director of the Center for Regional Analysis at George Mason University
Members: $35
Non-Members: $55
On-line at www.gwafp.org
“Cyber Security, New Threats, Financial Risks and What You Can Do To Minimize Exposure”
Speaker: Jim Scopis, CISSP, SVP – Global Information Security Executive, Bank of America.
Jim is an executive with Bank of America’s Cyber Threat Intelligence and Customer Protection Team. His responsibilities have included Information Security architectural solutions and enablement as well as driving cyber security awareness programs to multiple lines of business and technology teams across Bank of America, Merrill Lynch and US Trust.
Jim joined Bank of America in 1987 and during his almost 30 year career has held leadership roles across multiple lines of business, Enterprise Corporate Compliance, Global Business Continuity and Global Technology & Operations.
Jim attended the University of Delaware where he studied Business Administration. He is a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) and a member of ISC2, ISACA and the Delaware chapter of Info-Guard.
Jim is an active volunteer in his community through his support of St. Mary of the Assumption Church, the FRAXA Research Foundation, Meals-on-Wheels, Padua High School and was the founding board president of the Newport Rowing Club in Newport Delaware - an organization focused on educating local youth about the sport of recreational and competitive rowing. Jim is also a Board member of the National Cyber Security Alliance and an Audit, Risk Committee member of Christiana Health Care.
“Washington Area Economy: Performance and Outlook”
This presentation will look at how the DC area economy has performed over the past several years, particularly in relationship to the national economy. It will also describe trends in federal employment and contracting and what those trends may mean for the region’s future economy. The presentation will also identify several areas that might be able to drive economic growth that is not dependent on the US Federal Government.
Speaker: Dr. Mark C. White, Deputy Director of the Center for Regional Analysis at George Mason University
Dr. White is the Deputy Director of the Center for Regional Analysis at George Mason University. Dr. White joined the Center in January 2016. During his time with CRA, has worked on a variety of projects. As part of the GO Virginia program, Dr. White drafted Northern Virginia’s Economic Growth and Diversification Plan, contributed to the Hampton Roads plan, and helped assemble baseline indicators for all nine GO Virginia regions. He has also conducted several workforce studies including an analysis of the Alexandria-Arlington workforce, and an examination of the Greater Washington Region’s middle skills jobs. In addition, he has contributed to numerous economic impact analyses ranging from the economic impacts of Virginia’s housing industry to the national impacts of local and regional parks.
Prior to joining the Center for Regional Analysis in 2016, Dr. White was the Vice President for Research at the Center for Regional Economic Competitiveness (CREC) in Arlington, VA. During his 11 years at CREC, Dr. White managed a wide variety of economic and workforce development research and technical assistance projects across the United States and Canada. These projects include numerous industry cluster and value-chain analyses in Hawaii, Illinois, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania. He also facilitated economic and workforce development planning initiatives places such as Durham, NC, Nashville, TN, Waterloo, IA, and multi-state regions around Sioux City, IA and Sherman-Denison, TX. He also supported the Georgia Governor's Office of Workforce Development's Work Ready Regions Initiative for four years by providing labor market information used to inform and shape regional workforce strategies. Dr. White’s training activities include developing and delivering curriculum related to data-driven, strategic planning for the U.S. Economic Development Administration and the Economic Developers Council of Ontario.
Dr. White received a Doctor of Philosophy in International Studies, Economic Development from the University of Miami, a Master’s of Arts in Geography from the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse University, and a Bachelor’s of Arts in Geography from the State University of New York at Plattsburgh. His academic research has been published in peer-reviewed journals in the field of regional development and economic geography, such as Environment and Planning A, European Urban and Regional Studies, and European Planning Studies.
Course attendance recommended for 1 CPE, CAE, CTP and FP&A credit per 50 minutes.
Delivery Method: Group-live
Program Level: Intermediate
Prerequisites: No Prerequisites Required
Advanced Preparation: No Advanced Preparation Required
Please note: Greater Washington Association of Financial Professionals is no longer registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA). State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Questions regarding CPE may be addressed to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors, 150 Fourth Avenue North, Nashville, TN37219-2417. Website: www.nasba.org.
Sessions generally will be cancelled only for inclement weather. If the U.S. Government closes due to severe weather, the session will be cancelled. Every effort will be made to notify registered participants of the cancellation by email. In the event of advance payments, participants may request funds be applied to the next upcoming meeting provided 48 hours of notification are given.
Complaints should be directed to the Education Committee at education@gwafp.org; if resolution cannot be achieved at this level, the complaint will be reviewed by the Executive Committee.
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Email: contactus@gwafp.org